Benefits of the Relationship Strength Assessment

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Upgrade to the pro bundle here!

Is Your Relationship Taking on Water?

Has your relationship seen better days? All couples have their up’s and down’s but when you have that sinking feeling, it’s time to take action.

I’ve created the Relationship Strength Assessment to help you pin point what’s really going on in your relationship, and what to do next.

Many couples who see me for Couples Counselling, have a long list of issues causing tension and conflict in the relationship. But here’s the thing, many of these problems I consider ‘resolvable’, and while they may seem overwhelming now, the assessment will help you pinpoint specific areas to focus on.

Common challenges that couples face, which the Relationship Strength Assessment can help with, include:

  • Unequal distribution of responsibilities – Who handles what at home? Are both partners feeling supported?
  • Differing standards of cleanliness – Are unspoken expectations causing frustration?
  • Lack of organisation or punctuality – Is one partner feeling unsupported due to unreliability or poor time management?
  • Poor communication – Are you and your partner constantly misunderstanding each other or avoiding difficult conversations?
  • Emotional distance – Are feelings and emotions not being shared, leaving one or both partners feeling disconnected?
  • Working against, not with, each other – Do you feel like you’re not on the same team?
  • Blame and criticism – Are conflicts escalating because you’re focusing on who’s at fault rather than solving the problem?
  • Boundary violations – Are personal boundaries being ignored or crossed, leading to resentment?
  • Trust issues – Has dishonesty or broken promises caused a loss of trust in the relationship?
  • Avoidance and disconnection – Is sweeping issues under the rug leading to greater emotional distance?
  • Lack of shared vision for the future – Do you struggle to align on long-term goals or values?

The Relationship Strength Assessment dives deep into these areas, offering insights that can help you rebuild and strengthen your relationship.

For many couples tangled in this web of tension and unresolved issues, it can feel impossible to pinpoint the root of the problems. Instead of finding solutions, they end up going in circles, pointing fingers, and slowly drifting further apart.

It’s both frustrating and heartbreaking. But this is where the Relationship Strength Assessment steps in—to help you cut through the confusion, identify the real issues, and provide a clear, actionable path forward that both partners can feel confident about.

And for deeper, more complex and compounding issues like infidelity, trauma, and mental health, we work together in couples counselling.

How Strong is Your Relationship?

The new Relationship Strength Assessment is designed to help you and your partner uncover valuable insights about your relationship.

Discover the strengths and weaknesses in your relationship, along with how each of you perceives the other. This fresh perspective provides a new lens to view your relationship, revealing valuable insights for you to act upon.

Why Relationship Strength Matters

loving strong relationship by the window

Struggling relationships that are weak in some areas are more fragile, and more susceptible to setbacks and experience heartache more often.

Strong relationships experience a range of benefits including:

  • Feeling happier
  • Living healthier
  • More resilient
  • Higher quality
  • More efficient
  • Making wise decisions
  • Positive & propserous
  • A feeling of abundance
  • A safe and caring home for family & children
  • Calm & less stress

About the Relationship Strength Assessment

This comprehensive assessment covers nine important areas to gauge your relationship’s strength:

  • Knowing – Knowing & Understanding each other deeply.
  • Connection – Fondness & Affection
  • Intimacy – Deep emotional connection
  • Communication – Quality & Care
  • Conflict Resolution – Return to harmony
  • Appreciation – Honour & Commitment
  • Trust – Honesty & Integrity
  • Meaning – Dreams & Goals
  • Resilience – Health & Endurance

By exploring and measuring these areas, you’ll gain a clear picture of your relationship strengths and areas for growth.

From quick wins to deeper change, the analysis and feedback you receive will empower you to take the right steps with confidence to build the relationship you desire.

Three Empowering Inclusions

The assessment is free to take, providing you with a basic score and an overview of your relationship strength.

For deeper insights, the optional ‘pro upgrade’ offers a valuable bundle of empowering goodies.

For just $29 AUD, you’ll receive the following resources and benefits when you complete your assessment and purchase the optional ‘pro upgrade’.

1. Personalised Relationship Strength Report

The personalised report provides both a high-level summary and detailed insights into your relationship strength, based on your assessment responses.

It offers three unique perspectives to consider: how you perceive yourself in the relationship, how you perceive your partner, and how you see both of you together as a couple.

These insights are crucial for identifying any cognitive biases or negative sentiments that may be undermining your relationship.

The report is particularly useful for highlighting strengths and weaknesses, shedding light on potential problem areas, and revealing what you might be overlooking.

Relationship Strength Personal Report Cover

Sample Pages from the 'Personal Report'

2. Relationship Strength Guidebook

The Relationship Strength Guidebook is an empowering 28-page eBook that helps you dive deeper into your relationship results and take steps to strengthen your connection.

It covers the same nine foundational areas from your assessment, exploring each in greater detail, while offering tips and links to help you rebuild strength in your relationship.

Using the analogy of a ship to represent your relationship, the guidebook provides a fresh perspective, helping you visualise your relationship and navigate improvements.

Relationship Strength Guidebook Cover

Sample Pages from the 'Guidebook'

Download a the first 8 pages of the Relationship Strength Guidebook to sample what it’s all about.

3. Relationship Strength Journal

The Relationship Strength Journal is a space for you to record your thoughts, feelings, and ‘aha’ moments as you work to strengthen your relationship and transform your outlook. Over 21 pages, it offers expertly crafted questions across the nine key areas to help you reflect and delve deeper into your relationship.

It’s a practice of self-awareness, and journalling is particularly helpful in processing limiting beliefs and unhelpful behaviours. Record your thoughts, celebrate milestones, and start meaningful conversations with your partner.

Strengthening your relationship and building new trust and resilience becomes much easier, and even enjoyable, with the Relationship Strength Journal.

Relationship Strength Journal

Sample Pages from the 'Journal'

Questions & Support

Jacqui & Lee are here to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to get in touch, or learn more about Couples Counselling.

How the Assessment Works

Simply visit the assessment page to get started.

There are 8 ‘yes or no’ questions for each of the nine categories. After answering all the questions, enter your details and click ‘Save My Results’.

You’ll then be sent a summary of your response and be taken to a page to purchase the upgrade package, or learn more if you prefer.

The secure checkout is powered by Square. Simply enter your details, complete the payment, and that’s it!

Now you can sit back and relax!

In a few moments, check your email to view your results, and visit the Relationship Strength Hub. Here, you can download the Relationship Strength Guide, the Journal, and more.

Your Personalised Report will be generated and sent to you seperately.

“Pin point your relationship strengths, shine a light on areas of weakness & transform your relationship for a closer, loving & resilient relationship.”

Stop Drifting Further Apart

Leave no stone unturned and gain the clarity you need to turn your relationship around. Stop drifting further apart and put an end to the exhausting ups and downs of a strained relationship.

The Relationship Strength Assessment was developed from the ground up by Couples Counsellor Jacqueline Hogan.

Covering nine crucial areas of relationship strength, this assessment is the most effective way to quickly identify common pain points and areas of weakness, without the time or investment required for in-person couples counselling.

I highly recommend couples counselling for complex and sensitive issues, such as infidelity and relationship breakdowns. If you’re unsure what’s right for you or have any questions, feel free to get in touch.

Get Started Now

How strong is your relationship? Find out now by taking the Relationship Strength Assessment.

Invest in your relationship and experience the benefits of a stronger, healthy & more loving relationship that you can both enjoy for years to come.

couple love garden oil painting

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